Cannabis Coconut Oil Capsule


Buy Cannabis Coconut Oil Capsules online

This cannabis capsule tutorial has been one of the most requested recipes since this site went up. Even though you all wanted to see it, I procrastinated on it because I was more than a little intimidated to make these the first time. Buy Cannabis Coconut Oil Capsules online

They looked messy and complicated. Capsule maker? Pulling  apart and reassembling gel caps? Filling them without wasting a ton of oil and making a huge mess? It sounded like way to many supplies and way too much work.

I’m so glad I finally got around to making and testing these for the new book. These capsules are a gamechanger. Don’t be scared. They’re so much easier than they sound and they’re incredibly convenient.Marijuana edibles for sale

Benefits of Cannabis Coconut Oil Capsules

Cannacaps are popular in dispensaries because they’re easy to dose and are convenient. They also don’t contain the varied amounts of fat and sugar that influence cannabinoid metabolism. If you eat a sugary tincture infused candy or a fat based cannabis chocolate bar that have the same THC content, you’re going to have very different effects because of how they’re metabolized by the liver. But if you take a cannacap in the morning or right before bed, you can be relatively sure that the capsule will have a similar effect and can increase or decrease your dosage from there.

Benefits of Cannabis Capsules:

  • Convenient and discreet medicating on-the-go
  • Doesn’t smell (after you make the oil)
  • Lasts longer and is stronger than smoking or vaping
  • Stores indefinitely in your freezer
  • Smoke-free
  • Can be used as a suppository if you have trouble swallowing or are extremely nauseous

Buy Cannabis Coconut Oil Capsules online | Marijuana edibles for sale

I keep mine in a small jar in the back of the freezer so they’re not exposed to light. In this state, I think they’ll keep for a year or two (I’ll make sure to save some for as long as possible and check back to let you know if they’re still kickin’).


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